Key West Kiteboarding
We currently work with Advanced Kiters and do not teach beginners , but we can recommend someone in Key West to get you going. Advise or information is always FREE!
We offer help with a board to use for kiteboarding if you need, and also have wing foiling gear to rent or use while in Key West Florida.
Key West Kiteboarding & Wing Foiling Mission
“I knew that kiteboarding was such an unreal sport, but man, you could kill yourself trying to figure it out. I learned by trial and error, well, mostly error! I started introducing other people to the sport and found a teaching pattern that seemed to work the best. I developed a progression program based on the steps to learn the sport and then made adjustments to the program daily. This was at a time when the only other people kiteboarding were getting good at it, but not sharing many secrets. Nobody really knew what they were doing. There were no actual schools until about 1997. After some time, I wrote everything down and created a book. I have since rewritten it seven times.”
Paul Menta
founder, Key West Kiteboarding
*What about this Paul Menta?
One of the pioneers of Kiteboarding, this year Cabrinha-sponsored Paul Menta is celebrating his 20th year in the sport. From the inventive and fearless early days to mastering, teaching and promoting the sport for two decades, Paul has a lot of stories to tell. Here’s a sprinkling of lessons he’s learned along the way:
Lesson 1.
Never take no for an answer unless your life is at stake.
lesson 2.
If someone calls you an idiot, ask why. If they have no answer, it means you could end up being a genius.
lesson 3.
Never have an ego, just have drive and release. Inspiration comes in the least likely places.
lesson 4.
Enjoy the wind and ocean, they keep us alive!
“I finally felt like I fit
somewhere in the world.
And it was in Key West.”.”
Paul Menta | Kitehouse Founder

Kiteboarding Key West History
Kiteboarding Key West is a mobile state of mind. For the last 20 years, teacher Paul Menta has had locations in Maui, Bahamas, Grand Cayman, Turkey, Venezuela, and Key West. Now, Menta has transitioned his school, his business, and his lifestyle to “Kiteboarding Key West”. It is the same school but with a focus on his home of Key West–for riding freestyle, wake and foil with board rentals, boat trips and Key West lifestyle. (Special “wave camps” are held in Ecuador over the summers.)
Key West is great for all levels flat flat flat–with miles and miles of open space for downwinders and adventures and winds that goes from October to March . As a participant and godfather of the Kiteboarding, Menta gives back to the sport because even after 20 years Kiteboarding Key West is where he still want to be.
Ready to FLY?